September 27th, 2007
I’ve just listened to a talk about the DBpedia Relationship Finder and ask myself whether the project Six degrees of Wikipedia is still active. It’s a pitty – it is not (… at least the links server). The algorithm is not the same but it does a good job. Six degrees evaluates the every link in the page and creates an untyped association while DBpedia evaluates only the infoboxes in the sites and gathers also information about the association type (e.g. Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Eisenach and died in Leipzig).
The combination would be more interesting – to have more information – using all links – than DBpedia and to have better information quality – using the info boxes – than Six degrees.
September 27th, 2007 |
Posted in Nice stuff, NoEveryThing
September 23rd, 2007
For all those who like the well known Fotomarathon – I’ve put our photo set from yesterday into a flickr album.
September 23rd, 2007 |
Posted in Nice stuff
July 2nd, 2007
July 2nd, 2007 |
Posted in Nice stuff, NoEveryThing
April 21st, 2007
“to climb” translated into German is “klettern”. The kletterwizard allows you to write nice looking letters in a nice KDE-Wizzard-GUI with a snip of your fingers.
I’ve created a RPM for OpenSuSE 10.2 with another snip of checkinstall‘s fingers.
April 21st, 2007 |
Posted in Nice stuff
March 3rd, 2007
… flabbergasting!
You have to watch this realy well made video about web 2.0 made by Mike Wesch. And by the way – the Web-2.0-ish answer made by CoryTheRaven is also very good.
March 3rd, 2007 |
Posted in Nice stuff
September 13th, 2006
I got my telephone working. What a story. They managed it to send a service engineer who replaced the wall socket.
Congratulations to ewt!
September 13th, 2006 |
Posted in It's me, Nice stuff
June 1st, 2006
On you will find the project site of the “Software Engeneering Radio”. They are publishing regularly podcasts on various software engeering topics in a clearly spoken english (at least the episodes I have heard).
As an UML-Diagramm:
June 1st, 2006 |
Posted in Nice stuff
May 9th, 2006
The following paragraph is from the growisofs man page…
There are several undocumented options commonly denoted with -use-the-force-luke prefix. Some of them serve debugging purposes. Some require certain knowledge about recording process or even OS kernel internals and as being such can induce confusing behaviour. Some are to be used in very specific situations better recognized by front-ends or automated scripts. Rationale behind leaving these options undocumented is that those few users who would actually need to use them directly can as well consult the source code or obtain specific instructions elsewhere.
May 9th, 2006 |
Posted in Nice stuff
March 12th, 2006
There is a realy cool project located at ! It lets you work in network with visualized networks while browsing the web and gathering information from the sites.
On 21th March will be an introduction into the software in the new thinking store in berlin x-berg.
March 12th, 2006 |
Posted in Nice stuff, Other, Projects
February 23rd, 2006
Have you ever felt unhappy because of your possibly tracked movements of your RFID chip in your passport? Just cover your passport with a RFID-ray-impermeable-envelope and you will feel instanly better! If not – try other STOP-RFID-Gadgets too.
February 23rd, 2006 |
Posted in Nice stuff, NoEveryThing