June 12th, 2009
The DemoCamp which has been organized by b+m (my self) in cooperation with FOKUS (Tom Ritter) was a full success. We had seven talks – each about 20 minutes:
- Ralph Mueller gave us some infos about the Eclpse Foundation and the Eclipse eco system in Europe (PDF)
- Alex Koderman talked about the verinice project, an open source solution for Information Security Management (PDF)
- Tom Ritter spoke about Model Sharing in a Distributed Model-Driven Development (PDF)
- Martin Flügge showed us Dawn, a web-based collaborative extension for GMF editors (PDF)
- Eike Stepper gave us a talk about the Net4j signalling platform (PDF)
- My talk was about how to COPE with long term metamodel evolution (PDF) and
- Max Bureck spoke about a graphical QVT/R-Editor (PDF)
There was some kind of running gag due to the unawareness of the speakers to actually show a demo because of miscellaneous technical reasons.
In the beginning and during the breaks we had the opportunity to have nice chat and the advantage of a delicious buffet. Thanks to the sponsors.
After the camp some of us moved into a timeless restaurant for celebrating an Eclipse Stammtisch which was also very nice.
All together it was a long but very nice day.
Please note: There will be a second Eclipse Stammtisch on the 16th June where you will have the possibility to meet some members of the Eclipse Board of Directors. Please have a look at Eikes post announcing the Stammtisch. If you want to participate please enter your name into the Doodle poll.
June 12th, 2009 |
Posted in Eclipse, It's me, Other
July 19th, 2008
At least the flowers on the balcony have been copied and pasted with translation. |
July 19th, 2008 |
Posted in NoEveryThing, Other
October 26th, 2007
It is the first time that I am blogging about music but you must admit that it is also very seldom to hear something like the Eternal Flame aka “God wrote in LISP” (Written by Bob Kanefsky, parodying “God Lives on Terra” and performed by Julia Ecklar) as suggested by Markus Voelter.
There are some other nice songs like one about PGP and one about the Technical Support which are also a must for “freaks”.
October 26th, 2007 |
Posted in Nice stuff, Other
March 12th, 2006
There is a realy cool project located at http://www.deepamehta.de/ ! It lets you work in network with visualized networks while browsing the web and gathering information from the sites.
On 21th March will be an introduction into the software in the new thinking store in berlin x-berg.
March 12th, 2006 |
Posted in Nice stuff, Other, Projects
January 31st, 2006
Do you need money? Even if not – OpenUsability is a to-be-supported project. As el writes OpenUsability needs one hour of your valuable time in the time from 6th till 10th February for improving Wikipedia in an usability test. You will get 15 € for one hour of effort. Just write an email to el and support OpenUsability (the email address is mentioned in this blog article)!
January 31st, 2006 |
Posted in Other, Projects
January 28th, 2006
Python coders against the rest of the world – an ever known dilemma because of a tabulator.
Python uses tabulators to mark the depth of your source code. This means that one tabulator more or less will convert your previously useful source code into something non-functional or even not interpretable text.
Lateral had the idea to write a converter which uses #{ and #} as start and end marker for a code block. The correct indentation for processing with python will automatically be inserted.
What about a converter for the other direction? I think that would make BPython even more useful.
Habby Prygramming – in BPython!
January 28th, 2006 |
Posted in Nice stuff, Other
January 5th, 2006
May I introduce you to my new tutorials section. Well – there is currently only one tutorial containing the topic “how to convert a svg file to wmf”.
But this is likely to be extended…
January 5th, 2006 |
Posted in Nice stuff, Other, randomice.net
November 19th, 2005
I found a poky poker machine (made by Impera) in a shop window. I had to poke it into my blog …

As it is a special offer you will get it for 295 € only.
This is the proof that
is still |
. the logo is captured from the Impera web site. |
November 19th, 2005 |
Posted in Other