January 26th, 2006
Be aware of NetHack Mosters!!!
NetHack Mosters are moving around the bloggosphere and catching bloggers! You have been warned!
I’ve been beaten by a NetHack Monster. From now on – I’m a Mimic.
If I were a NetHack monster, I would be a mimic. I can be whatever I think you need me to be – it might look like I’m here to help you, but really you’re here to help me.
Hey Enrico!
I’m a “water nymph” … that means:
If I were a NetHack monster, I would be a water nymph. Life is more about what you get out of it, than what you put in. That elven cloak really matches your eyes, you know.
Well, eerm … ok. ^^
Btw, nice website 😉
Regards, Boris