Archive for April, 2008

countdown initiated – 127 days left

I’ve got a letter from my university stating the title of my diploma theses “Entwicklung eines graphischen Editors zur Unterstützung eines modellgetriebenen Entwicklungsprozesses” (Development of a graphical editor to support a model driven software development process) and that I should finish my work before the 28th July (which is 127 days ahead).

Berlin in Afghanistan

Berlin in Afghanistan

Screen-shooted while accessing

MDSD talks

There will will be two talks about MDSD at the TFH Berlin on the 18th April. Both talks – one about using MDSD as productivity gain with the dynamic framework Grails and the other about a Lego Mindstorms NXT (which I have already seen during the Eclipse DemoCamp in Hamburg) – are very interesting.

See you there!

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