Archive for December, 2007


I have got the time to set up the entry site for my currently most active project MetamodelDoc. It is an Eclipse Plug-In for generating a documentation of a metamodel. At present this has to be an Ecore metamodel. As a sample I’ve generated a documentation of the Ecore metamodel (which is expressed in it self). If you want to give it a try just install the plugins via the Update Site. The generation is triggered from the context menu of an .ecore-file.

Do you see the difference?

Do you see the difference between the following two pictures?

Pict 1 Pict 2

It was the result of the CatChaser pinning two balloons and part of one of the eight talks held at the Eclipse DemoCamp in Hamburg. A lot of interesting projects and concepts where presented. They made a video of the talks which will be available soon.

One of the intended presenters wasn’t available. They asked me to talk – as substitute – about MetamodelDoc. As I had prepared my slides for the DemoCamp in Berlin already – I agreed. The slides are – of course – available.


After the event in Hamburg the event in Berlin was a success too. There are a lot of interesting projects. One of them – ObjectTeams – I will give a try. It could be described as sophisticated and object oriented AspectJ with dynamic binding (well – ehm …, the language constructs are not the same) and it integrates very nicely into the JDT environment (by replacing the JDT-core plugin :-/). An interesting feature is – you could de-/activate an aspect (it is called Team here) during the lifetime of an object and on a per object basis.


Cloning is so easy if you know what to do.
# xrandr -q
returns with a list of screens, the connected outputs and available modes. For me LVDS is the internal LCD display and VGA-0 the external output. Using this information
# xrandr --output VGA-0 --same-as LVDS
# xrandr --output VGA-0 --auto

is all I have to do to enable my secondary monitor output within linux. All the xorg.conf editing stuff is useless – xrandr just worked.

I wanted to enable xinerama but my XServer crashed when enabled…

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