Archive for January, 2006


Do you need money? Even if not – OpenUsability is a to-be-supported project. As el writes OpenUsability needs one hour of your valuable time in the time from 6th till 10th February for improving Wikipedia in an usability test. You will get 15 € for one hour of effort. Just write an email to el and support OpenUsability (the email address is mentioned in this blog article)!

The end of the white space war

Python coders against the rest of the world – an ever known dilemma because of a tabulator.

Python uses tabulators to mark the depth of your source code. This means that one tabulator more or less will convert your previously useful source code into something non-functional or even not interpretable text.

Lateral had the idea to write a converter which uses #{ and #} as start and end marker for a code block. The correct indentation for processing with python will automatically be inserted.

What about a converter for the other direction? I think that would make BPython even more useful.

Habby Prygramming – in BPython!

Be aware of NetHack Mosters!!!

NetHack Mosters are moving around the bloggosphere and catching bloggers! You have been warned!


I’ve been beaten by a NetHack Monster. From now on – I’m a Mimic.


If I were a NetHack monster, I would be a mimic. I can be whatever I think you need me to be – it might look like I’m here to help you, but really you’re here to help me.

Which NetHack Monster Are You?

Cooking MS

have you ever heard of software for cooking MS in a wok – have a look


May I introduce you to my new tutorials section. Well – there is currently only one tutorial containing the topic “how to convert a svg file to wmf”.

But this is likely to be extended…

“Wikipedia beats ‘Encyclopaedia Britannica’ “

Think about the Future – the headline could be the truth in the not-so-far future. You may read the article Internet encyclopaedias go head to head which was recently published in the Nature journal.

Congratulation to Jimmy Wales(!) and all other – UNcountable – Wikipedia contributors!

Dear Everybody,

I just want to you wish you a




Yours sincerely

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