February 12th, 2007
Do you know µ? it is a blog-software for thousands of blogs on a site. On the server this blog runs on are only about six or seven. Using wordpress-mu we are able to update every blog to a new blog-version with one single click. There was a trick to support arbitrary domain names beside to the already supported sub-domain names… I had to replace the sub-domain.mu-domain.tld
with www.domain.tld
in the wp_blogs
-table and in the wp_*_options
-tables in the database and added a bit more of cookie-handling. It seems to work great!
February 12th, 2007 |
Posted in randomice.net
September 13th, 2006
I got my telephone working. What a story. They managed it to send a service engineer who replaced the wall socket.
Congratulations to ewt!
September 13th, 2006 |
Posted in It's me, Nice stuff
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September 7th, 2006
It’s about one month ago since I’ve read a flyer on the pinwall in the entrance of our house saying that the cable tv provider will change on the 10th of August. They made also an offer to use a telephone line and internet over this cable. After my Holiday (which was very nice (except for the loss of my jacket from my bycycle carrier)) I’ve made a contract to switch to the new provider with a seemless switch for the telephone line. Some days later was another flyer on the pinwall telling me that the provider switch will happen on the 31th August. Oh what a Happening – a service techniker told me that they need more than a week to switch. In the meantime my previos telephone provider just cut of my telephone line. I will get my telephone back when a new “multimedia plug” gets installed in my flat on the 13th of September – hopefully.
September 7th, 2006 |
Posted in It's me, Not Nice Stuff
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June 1st, 2006
On http://www.se-radio.net/ you will find the project site of the “Software Engeneering Radio”. They are publishing regularly podcasts on various software engeering topics in a clearly spoken english (at least the episodes I have heard).
As an UML-Diagramm:

June 1st, 2006 |
Posted in Nice stuff
May 9th, 2006
The following paragraph is from the growisofs man page…
There are several undocumented options commonly denoted with -use-the-force-luke prefix. Some of them serve debugging purposes. Some require certain knowledge about recording process or even OS kernel internals and as being such can induce confusing behaviour. Some are to be used in very specific situations better recognized by front-ends or automated scripts. Rationale behind leaving these options undocumented is that those few users who would actually need to use them directly can as well consult the source code or obtain specific instructions elsewhere.
May 9th, 2006 |
Posted in Nice stuff
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May 7th, 2006
Julia, my dance partner, and I went to Finsterwalde to participate in a dance contest today. We got the number 13. There was only one competitor and the contest manager had to cancel the contest because two of four pairs, who subscribed to this contest, just canceled today. There is a minimum of 3 participants. We drove the long way from Berlin to Finsterwalde to get the message that there are not enough participants – I wanted everything but this! After a small talk to the manager he agreed in allowing the youth group to participate in this contest too. They already had a contest but two of five pairs from the youth group joined the main group where Julia and I belong to. At this Point – 30 min. later than announced – we were enough pairs – four – to make a contest. In the one and only final round the youth and main group got their own scoring. we got the first place in the main group, a rose for Julia and a small present. This was the fifth and last placement we needed for upgrading to the B class. After this “warming up” we realy needed a “cooling down” break. We participated also in the B class contest and got – as expected – the 7th place of 7 pairs – but this doesn’t matter.
May 7th, 2006 |
Posted in Dancing, It's me
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March 12th, 2006
There is a realy cool project located at http://www.deepamehta.de/ ! It lets you work in network with visualized networks while browsing the web and gathering information from the sites.
On 21th March will be an introduction into the software in the new thinking store in berlin x-berg.
March 12th, 2006 |
Posted in Nice stuff, Other, Projects
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February 23rd, 2006

Have you ever felt unhappy because of your possibly tracked movements of your RFID chip in your passport? Just cover your passport with a RFID-ray-impermeable-envelope and you will feel instanly better! If not – try other STOP-RFID-Gadgets too.
February 23rd, 2006 |
Posted in Nice stuff, NoEveryThing
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February 21st, 2006
From now on I am playing with some mobile thing.
February 21st, 2006 |
Posted in Nice stuff
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January 31st, 2006
Do you need money? Even if not – OpenUsability is a to-be-supported project. As el writes OpenUsability needs one hour of your valuable time in the time from 6th till 10th February for improving Wikipedia in an usability test. You will get 15 € for one hour of effort. Just write an email to el and support OpenUsability (the email address is mentioned in this blog article)!
January 31st, 2006 |
Posted in Other, Projects
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